
Case Study Yosha


(2,400% Increase) with Savvy Copy

Yosha Law doubled their average yearly cases in a single month with help
from our direct response copywriting approach. Learn how we helped them
establish authority, generate more leads and sign (a lot!) more cases.

  • 25X

    Increase in Average
    Monthly Clients

  • 2,400%

    Increase in
    Monthly Cases


    More Lives Impacted

“Savvy Copy is who you call to perfect your brand or business’s message
and if you want results from your marketing. They are the best in the industry.”


Yosha Law, Indiana

The Overview

Yosha Law has been serving Indiana and helping the little guy fight against major corporations for six decades (and counting) with hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts secured.

Despite their track record of success and strong brand name, Yosha Law faced stiff competition from an estimated 50,000+ other personal injury law firms in the United States. Plus, they had to compete with sleazy billboard and bus stop ads that gave those in the industry a bad name.

With an average of 1 new case per month and an underperforming website, Brandon came to us for help. He was in desperate need of a conversion-focused website that could nurture his audience, do the heavy lifting and sell for him 24/7.

So how did we go?

Yosha Law went from 12 cases a year to 25 signed cases in a single month after we transformed their website with our direct-response copy approach.

More than just updating Brandon’s website with fresh words, we took a strategic look at his funnel and created a custom solution for him.

By finding a balance between conversion-focused copy and SEO we helped increase organic traffic and conversions for a winning one-two punch.

With a new strategy in place, Brandon has more than 10x his business and is now enjoying a conversion-focused website that attracts more quality leads and clients 24/7.

Read on for an inside look at exactly how we drove these results for Yosha Law – and how you can apply the same strategies to grow your business.

The Challenge

Without a clear strategy, Brandon’s website was like a static business
card that struggled to consistently secure new leads and cases.

  • There was no clear marketing strategy and funnels in place
    to generate leads 24/7.
  • The firm’s message was mostly focused on themselves and not
    their ideal client.
  • The website was written in “legal speak” and weighed
    down by buzzwords and jargon.
  • There was no emotional connection with what their potential clients
    were going through.
  • Yosha Law’s unique six decade history and values weren’t coming
    across clearly.
  • His SEO-focused site lacked a conversion strategy, so no matter how
    much traffic he got, those leads would struggle to become paying clients.

Yosha Law is an advocate for the little guy. They’re incredibly well known for taking cases to court and fighting for full compensation. They truly have a reputation for being one of the best legal firms. But this reputation only existed OFFLINE.

When you looked at their online presence, it told a completely different story. Simply put, his website didn’t do their incredible law firm justice.

“I was introduced to Savvy Copy by Greg Merrilees (our web designer) and Stephan Spencer (our SEO partner) to discuss some of our law firm’s website copy. Based on the praise from two GURUS in their respective fields, my expectations were high from the outset”,

says Brandon.

Getting Strategic

Before we even looked at updating his website’s copy, we knew we needed to zoom out and look at the strategy behind what he was trying to achieve. His current approach was sabotaging conversions, and copy was only one part of the equation.

Our team at Savvy Copy aren’t ‘just copywriters’ – we’re online marketing experts. We bring over a decade of digital marketing experience into every project we do.

Through collaboration with Brandon’s design and SEO teams (who we also happen to know well, and work with often), we mapped out a brand new custom solution for Yosha Law.


  • Identified what pages were missing from his overall marketing funnel so cold, warm and hot leads would stop slipping through the cracks.
  • Mapped out a clear call-to-action for website visitors that gave them value and Brandon more leads.
  • Designed a balanced approach that combined conversion-focused copy and SEO to increase traffic and conversions for a one-two punch.
  • Planned out and scripted the perfect videos to complement the copy and add a human-face to the brand.
  • Created an effective client-nurture strategy that connected deeply with Brandon’s ideal clients, built trust, and empowered them to take the next step.
  • Determined what lead magnets would create instant-trust, add value, and help him collect new leads easily.
  • Strategized a unique series of about pages and bios to foster the client’s journey of understanding the business, in a different way than others do.

…and the list goes on (but we’ll spare you all the nitty gritty details
behind the strategy we created).

Now, instead of relying on luck, and hoping people would come to the website, book a call, and become a client…

We’d created a bullet-proof funnel that attracted leads 24/7, provided them with value through a free case evaluation, and turned them into trusting clients.

With this custom funnel strategy in place, we were ready to kick off the next steps in the process: crafting the winning copy behind the 2400% increase in monthly cases Brandon soon saw…

Step Two

Direct response copy would be central to Yosha Law’s success, but we couldn’t write a single word without understanding what was going on inside their audience’s head. This is often the most overlooked part of the process, but it’s the most important in order to have marketing that converts.

We interviewed and took the time to get to know Brandon and the stories of the families he’d fought for. This allowed us to understand the specific “hair on fire” problems they were facing.

Full transparency, we didn’t learn the ins-and-outs of Indiana’s legal system to overcome this uncertainty – because we didn’t have to. No Savvy Copy superstar has been to law school. And we’re not secretly living our best Legally Blonde lives.

Brandon’s incredible results weren’t thanks to our ability to understand the law. They were thanks to our ability to deeply understand the people he wanted to speak to most – to find out what keeps them up at night, their goals, their pain points, and what drives them. And then, to use a careful balance of psychology, sales, research and artful communication to capture the attention of those who needed Yosha Law most.

“Admittedly, I was sceptical about hiring a conversion-focused copywriter with minimal experience drafting content in the regulated legal space. Savvy Copy laid my concern to rest after one draft of our revised homepage.

I used to cringe when I read some of the cookie-cutter, stale content from our old website, but now I am proud of every word.” Brandon says.

Step Three

Now with a deep understanding of the people we were writing to, we were able
to talk about what mattered most to them.

Yosha Law’s clients didn’t explicitly care about how many awards the firm had won, or how many years of experience they had. While these things are important to mention in order to establish authority, they’re not enough to convert website visitors into leads. These clients were reeling from traumatic and stressful challenges that had changed their lives – and in some cases resulted in the death of a loved one.

So, we teamed up with SEO expert Stephan Spencer to create a brand script, to connect in with Brandon’s clients story. We wanted to empower them and help them believe that change was possible, by establishing them as the hero of their journey, with Brandon as their guide. And, to call out the ‘villians’ in the story – the insurance companies standing in the way of justice.

“Savvy Copy took the time to understand our business, our differentiating characteristics, and the personal injury law world, in general”,

Brandon explains.

What Yosha Law’s website visitors wanted was to feel heard and acknowledged. They wanted to know that someone gave a damn about them (because insurance companies sure as hell didn’t). And they wanted to place their trust in someone who would become a champion for their personal story and treat them like a human, not a case number.

Brandon’s ethos of putting people over profits was an approach we knew would build trust so we put this front and centre with empathetic, caring and compassionate language.

The new copy(see beside) showed how frustrating it was for people to deal with insurance adjusters (and other attorneys) who saw them as a case number or invoice.

Now, Brandon and his team weren’t the enemy. They were on the same side as potential clients. By positioning Yosha Law as the type of firm that puts people over profits, we helped remove friction, build trust and make it easier for people to move forward with a free case evaluation.

Our Strategy

Once we’d shown potential clients that we understood their situation, we set out to build trust and create a link between putting human stories first and winning the hearts and minds of jurors.

Trust is a powerful selling tool that translates to more calls, bookings and conversions. So we used powerful social proof and authority-building strategies to showcase Yosha Law’s track record and the dollar amounts they’d won for clients.

With hundreds of years of combined experience, a 98% success rate, and hundreds of millions of dollars recovered – including specific cases showing multi-million dollar wins – Brandon’s success spoke for itself.

Instead of telling people how great Yosha Law was, we showcased their success and allowed people to come to their own conclusions, which helped people feel confident in reaching out to book a free case evaluation.

And, by infusing their website with other ‘human’ touches – from client testimonials to video
messages from Brandon – we were able to take his website from a static business card to an
engaging invitation to anyone who needed his help.

Now, potential clients can see that Yosha Law understands their situation and challenges, and
has a track record of turning those complex challenges into courtroom victories.


Yosha Law went from 12 leads a year to 25 leads in a single month after
transforming their website with our direct response copywriting strategies.

More than just updating Brandon’s website with fresh words, we teamed up with our design and SEO
partners and created a strategic, custom solution for Brandon. Copy was just one part of the equation
across multiple pages.

We found a winning balance between conversion-focused copy and SEO, and our words were
brought to life with incredible design that finally did justice to Brandon’s reputation.

Now with this new strategy in place, Brandon is enjoying a conversion-focused website that attracts
more quality leads and clients, and works hard for him 24/7.

And as a result, he can help more everyday Americans receive justice and the financial compensation
they deserve. He might not be able to change what’s happened to his clients, but he can help create a
better tomorrow.

Brandon’s story shows that any business can ignite its leads and supercharge its
conversions with the right message and copywriting strategies.

As Brandon puts it, “I am forever grateful to Jaimee and her incredible team for making this a
reality for our law firm. We promise to serve our newfound clients with the same degree of
care Savvy Copy provided us”.


If you can relate to any part of Brandon’s business struggles, or want to learn more about harnessing the power of direct response copywriting to get more leads and clients, we’d love to hear from you.


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