

Discover how to make small copywriting changes that can alter the course of your marketing and avoid common copywriting mistakes that are holding back the growth of your business.

How to Increase Your Website Sales With Powerful, Conversion-Focused Copywriting…

…without “icky” sales tactics, tricking your customers or ridiculous marketing “hacks”.


Looking to sell more products, courses or services through your website?

You’re in the right place.

Global eCommerce sales are estimated to hit $5.5 trillion in 2022. Yeah, with a ‘t’. But taking a slice of that profitable pie is easier said than done.

You might struggle to drive sales even though you’ve got regular website traffic. Or, you might have solid sales, but you want to improve your results and increase revenue. Either way, good copy is one of the easiest ways to increase website sales whatever stage your online business is in.

It’s not just our opinion either. Studies of 36,928 pages show copy is TWICE as important as design for increasing conversion rates.

When you improve the words on your website, there’s no need to play with code (or learn what HTML even stands for) or pour sacks of cash into Facebook or Google Ads.

It’s a simple formula. Better copywriting leads to better sales… but that doesn’t make the copywriting process easy. Writing copy that converts your traffic into customers like every day is Black Friday is a skill – and we’ll pull back the curtain and show you how it works.


Use “you” language at least 80% of the time

This is the #1 rule of copywriting yet SO many businesses get it wrong.

Persuasive web copy that drives sales needs to speak to your audience, not at them.


Because no one cares about you as much as you do (sorry, we still love you!). They care about how your business, products or services will improve their lives. Whenever someone lands on your website, they ask, “what’s in it for me?”.

Too many businesses talk about their products and services (or themselves), and forget to answer this crucial question.

To avoid this mistake, try writing in the second person. For example, let’s say you’re looking to invest in some new accounting software. Which of the following sentences is more appealing to you:

  • With free trials available, customers are now eligible to try our full suite of products for the next 30 days
  • Start your FREE trial today to discover how easy it is to save time and keep money in your pocket

The first example focuses on the business offering a free trial. The second is all about YOU. And since it’s more personal, it’s more effective!

To see where your site stands, open your website in your browser and hit “Command+F” (Mac) or “CTRL+F” (PC) and search for the word “you”. Make a note of how many times it appears. Next, search for the word “your”. Once you’ve tallied up your results, try searching for “I”, “we”, and “our”.

A persuasive website should use “you” language 80% of the time. If you can cut back on talking about yourself and keep your audience at the heart of each message, you’ll be writing more compelling copy that drives more sales.


Get to know your ideal client

You know what you’re selling. But who are you selling to?

Too many online business owners try to sell to everyone and end up appealing to no one. Knowing your audience is the first step to writing persuasive website copy that gets the cash register ringing. If you don’t know who you’re targeting, how can you confidently claim to solve their problems?

For example, imagine you sell weight-loss courses online. Many people want to shed a few pounds, but their motivation will vary. Young adults might want more confidence. New Mums might want their pre-baby bodies back. Seniors might have health goals in mind. Everybody and every body is different. To be effective, your copy needs to speak to your ideal client.

So, how do you get to know your audience?

  • Spend at least half a day (more if you can) defining your potential customers: How old are they? What do they do for work? What are their goals? What is the single biggest challenge you can help them overcome?
  • Put together 20-30 questions designed to get to know your customers better: Then reach out to your client list and ask if they’re up for a video call to answer your questions. Give them space to be 100% honest and weave their answers into your copy.

Once you’ve identified your ideal customer, you’ll be better able to talk to, engage and persuade your audience in your copy.


Speak your customer’s language

Alright, now you know who to speak to. But how do you speak to them?

The most persuasive copy mimics the way your customers think and speak. If you can use descriptive language to describe your customer’s problems using the same language they do, you’ll build instant rapport and trust that is crucial for landing more sales.

Overloading your copy with jargon, buzzwords and enough acronyms to fill a Scrabble board might make you sound smart. But your customers don’t want to buy from someone who reads the dictionary in their spare time. They want to know that you understand the pain they’re experiencing, and speaking in their language is how you do that.

A quick and effective strategy for uncovering your customer’s unique language is to review your customer’s emails, testimonials and survey responses.

Do similar words keep popping up? Do they describe their problems in a certain way? Do they have a specific way of expressing themselves?

Look for these patterns, then reflect them to readers through your copy.

Keep your copy conversational

We’ve got a quick question for ya. Which of the two examples below do you prefer?

  • When business owners implement the tips outlined in this article, they will be more likely to increase sales and drive additional revenue.
  • Try improving your copy with the tips in this handy guide and watch your sales (and bank account) grow.

We’re pretty sure you prefer the second option, right?

We do, too (and not just because we wrote it).

The second option is conversational. It’s casual. It doesn’t seem like an AI bot wrote it with too much time on its cyber hands.

People tend to be drawn to personable and conversational language the same way you are. That doesn’t mean you start dropping F-bombs or misspelling words. It does mean you should speak to your reader like you’re catching up with a friend. It doesn’t matter if you’re an attorney, accountant, business coach or any other professional service – conversational, engaging copy is how you connect with your audience while maintaining your professional appearance.

This approach helps you seem more genuine and human, which builds rapport and increases the likelihood of a sale.


Use clear call-to-actions throughout your landing page

You want someone to download, sign up or buy now before they leave your site – but are you showing them how to take action?

Even the most impactful products and services need marketing help. If you don’t have call-to-actions (CTAs) throughout your website or sales pages, you’re selling yourself short.

The average visitor hangs around your website for just 15 seconds before bouncing away. Without compelling site visitors to take the next step, you’re leaving the decision up to your customers and leaving sales on the table by failing to capture their attention and encourage them to take action.

It helps to know that more than 90% of people who read your headline will also read your call-to-action. That’s why your CTA should use power words and make it easy for the reader to imagine themselves doing or achieving something.

  • Buy
  • Download
  • Launch
  • Discover
  • Explore
  • Uncover

If your audience doesn’t know EXACTLY what step to take, they may struggle to see the route towards buying a product or signing up for a course.

Assess your website by scrolling through each page and asking yourself, “Does my audience know exactly what I want them to do?”. If not, you’ve just found a perfect place to add a call-to-action button!

To unlock the full potential of your CTAs, don’t just tell people what to do but why they should do it. Will buying your products or booking a service make their lives easier? Save money? Save time? Help them avoid missing out on a limited supply?

A clear CTA removes the confusion from decision-making, so take the time to improve yours if you want to convert more leads into sales.

Leverage social proof

With so much noise and competition online, finding your voice and standing out as the thought leader you are can be difficult.

Enter social proof.

Social proof is the idea that consumers will change their behaviour according to what other people are doing. Think about a restaurant with a line of people out the door. All the people queuing up lends a sense of quality that makes you think the food inside must be awesome – and you can create a sense of quality and expertise around your business the same way.

With some simple tweaks to your website or sales page, you can boost your authority and expert status and get more of your ideal clients to trust you with their time and money.

Here are a few small tweaks you can weave through your copy to boost your social proof and build trust:

  • Video testimonials: Written reviews are great, but video reviews are even better. Identify 10-15 of your BEST customers and send them an email asking for a 30-second personalised video testimonial. You can incentivise the task by including their company name and URL on your site.
  • Impressive Stats: How long have you been in business? How many products have you sold? How many customers have you helped? The more impressive your numbers, the more trust you’ll build with your audience, which drives sales.
  • Trust Signals: Trust signals are exactly what they sound like – logos, awards, memberships, and other evidence points that inspire confidence in your brand. Have you won awards for your products? Do you have unique industry experience? Are you a member of an exclusive organisation? Include these in your website copy.


Focus on the benefits, not the features

Features tell, benefits sell.

That persuasive copywriting advice isn’t just a catchy rhyme. It’s a proven technique to increase website sales that many business owners miss out on. So, how do you tell the difference?

A feature tells the customer what. A benefit tells the customer why.

Imagine you sell toys. Odds are you know the frustration of buying a product only to find out you also need to buy batteries. Instead of focusing on the fact that your toy comes with batteries included (feature), your landing page might focus on how your toy is ready to

use straight out of the box, with no disappointed kids or a second trip to the shops (benefits).

The features in this example tell the customer something noteworthy about your product. But the benefits explain how their life will improve if they buy it. Any time you talk about your products or services, your copy needs to draw a line from your customer’s current state to their desired state.

Use these copywriting secrets to bring in more leads and sales

It’s easy to assume your products and services will sell themselves, and the words you use are just there to make up the numbers.

But that mistake can leave tens of thousands of dollars on the table.

Poor website copy can be the direct culprit behind poor conversion rates, high bounce rates, and revenue bottlenecks. Thankfully, the website copy holding you back can also become your secret weapon!

Using these proven conversion copywriting secrets positions you as an authority so your website closes more sales and you can do less heavy lifting. With the right words, your customers will chase YOU (instead of you chasing them), which gives you more time to focus on your business.

Are you ready to save time and trust your brand’s copy to a team of direct-response copywriting superstars with a track record of success? Book a strategy call below to chat with a Savvy Copy expert.

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